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This simple blogger template from the famed Blogspot designer Andreas provides a simple blogger template with a clean feel and three clear columns.

This free blogger template uses shades of grey in the background, some people might find this a little dull, however for many this color set provides the perfect mix of professionalism and style.

The spacious design helps stop the page from looking cluttered even though this is a three column blogger template, and the simple blogger tmeplate style helps hold this theme together in an easy to navigate and easy to read blogger template.

You can download this great free simple blogger template Here!

The simple blogger template 1024 px gives you a fresh clean blogger template designed for the now more common 1024 pixel resolution.

Most blogger templates are still designed for computers with 800 x 600 resolution, however very few computers still use such a low resolution, and this simple blogger template with 1024 pixel design makes use of the extra space to give you a large, simple, and un-cluttered blogger template design.

This free blogger template gives you everything you need ina  simple blogger template.  It has clear headings, plenty of space, and it's 1024px design makes sure that there is plenty of space for you to show off your writing, or your photos!

You can get this free simple blogger template Here!

The ImpreZZ bold Blogger Template is an eye catching three column blogger template, thich instantly catches a readers attention.

The bold blogger template style is not often done well, but this impressive theme from ImpreZZ looks fantastic, simple and uncluttered.

And yes this is a simple blogger template as well as a bold blogger template. Its strong colors highlight the different sections, and with it's dark background ,mixed with scarlet red titles, there is no mistaking the seperate areas.

You wll need to create a logo for this blogger template, but with style this good, this blogger theme deserves a logo!

You can download this free blogger template Here!

This amazing simple grey blogger template is a fantastic simple blogger template for your website. It has a large easy to use search bar in the top right, and a top nav bar to avoid cluttering your right hand bars.

If you are looking for a well designed three column blogger template, this could be for you. It's simple layout is great for a stylish blog, or one focusing on simplicity.

You can download this fantastic free simple blogger template Here!

Decent animal based blogger templates are few and far between. However this simple cat themed blogger template is a great free clean blogger template based around one of the favorite home pets.

This cat blogger template is very easy to install and has a simple three column layout, giving you plenty of space to arrange your blog.

This simple blogger template is perfect for an animal, or personal, blog. It also has plenty of space near he top for a header google advert in this simple blogger template layout!

This free cat blogger template can be downloaded Here!

Listen to the music is a clean simple and chilled out blogger template. This free blogger template is perfect for anyone looking to give their blog that simple, easy to read relaxing look!

This clean blogger template really does give your blog a simple but professional look. It only has two columns so does not look cluttered and your blogspot blogs style will remain focused on you!

So if you are looking for a clean simple music blogger template look no further than this awesome simple music blog template!

You can download this free simple music template Here!

The lazy day blogger template is the ultimate free blogger template for the more chilled blogger. It's relaxed color scheme and simple layout combine with a navbar so you don't have to dumb down your blog.

This two column Blogger template really does everything right to ensure the reader instantly feels relaxed. Whether you look at the reclined pereson laying on the beach in the header or the sweet blue pattern background you will soon feel like you are on holiday with this blogger template.

You can get the free lazy day blogger template Here!