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How to do search engine optimization for website and blog? All about Search Engine Optimisation tools. google seo tools  seo google analytics  who is google ceo  google seo certification  google seo guidelines 2016  how to do search engine optimization  search engine optimization definition  google seo checker. Are you trying to get the best tool that will help you to analyse and grow your traffic? But only one tool is enough for this. Hey everyone, this is Vishal and today, I am gonna tell you the one tool that will help you to analyse and grow your traffic very fast.  SEO Tools: Are you ready to know about that tool? So the tool is Google Search Console. Now I am gonna tell you how to use.  Before we start let me tell you some things. IT will tell you all the metrics such as click-through rate, impressions, your positions etc. You can get any data that you want from your website and analyse it to grow your traffic.  Google Search Console: So let us start and I am gonna tell you how to use it. The first feature that I want you to use is a data history feature. For this go to google search console, and then performance tab. Here, you will find all the data like position, click-through rate, Total impressions and the total number of click your website get in search results.  This will also tell you all the ranking status of your website for the past week, month and a year. Just change the settings according to you and get the related data. You can use this feature to know about your website up & downs and will help you to analyse your website rankings better.  You can also add a filter to select a particular query or page to know how well your website is working on that query or how well your page is going on.  The second feature that you must use is the compared feature. It will allow you to know and compare your data with the past rankings and your current rankings.  For example, we want to check the data for the last seven days and compare it to the previous seven days. For this go to the performance tab and go to date.  There select the compare column and choose the time period for which you want to get the data. It will tell you a comparison table and there you can compare and analyse the data on your website.  The third best thing that I want you to use is getting the long-tail keywords. Ranking on a long-tail keyword or related search terms is super easy when you are already ranking for a related term. Go to the Performance tab and set a filter for a particular page.  It will tell you all the queries that your page is ranking for. Sort them in the order of highest impressions and check out the queries it is ranking for having most impressions. Now start optimising your webpage for this keyword or query and You will start ranking soon.  check out after some time and you will see results in Google Results.ranking on that query also. The fourth thing that you can check in google search console is the errors in your website. It will tell you all kind of errors Whether it is related to index errors or any kind of error. It will tell you all the errors and you can make changes to rank better.