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Know here all about top 10 AdSense friendly Blogger template for your blog. Well, using AdSense is simple and easy way to earn some money with any website.

If you are using an affiliate program and it is doing well or you are successfully selling some product or service then it probably makes no sense to add AdSense ads.

Such ads can decrease the conversion and thus lower the earning. But in many cases it is possible to mix AdSense with affiliate programs you need to test what works best.

Increase AdSense Revenue And if you are using AdSense then you are probably interested in increasing the revenue. There are few simple tricks that can significantly improve the performance of AdSense ads regardless of the website type. Top 10 AdSense Friendly Blogger Templates For Free: Maybe the most important optimization is the number of AdSense ads. Google puts ads with the highest value first. This means that the ad block that will appear first according to the HTML structure of the website will contain high CPC ads. All other ads will have lower CPC and will decrease chances that visitors will click on the first and most valuable ad. #1 News Paper Demo | Download #2 Super SEO Demo | Download #3 Sora Fast Demo | Download #4 Haster Demo | Download #5 Shouter Demo | Download #6 Blanter Nova DEMO | DOWNLOAD #7 Xadow Magz Top 10 AdSense Friendly Blogger Templates For FreeDEMO | DOWNLOAD #8 NewsPro DEMO | DOWNLOAD #9 Writeup DEMO | DOWNLOAD #10 Chic Mag DEMO | DOWNLOAD Google AdSense Ad placement policies:- AdSense Friendly Blogger Templates For Free: Before doing any modifications you should read the Google AdSense Ad Placement Policies. There are some placement methods that are strictly prohibited. It is easy to increase the CTR, but it is also easy to run into trouble. You don't want your account to be disabled only because of wrong ad placement.
  • There are three simple rules about making changes to ad placement, appearance or ad type testing, testing and testing. You should always test what works better on your page.
  • There is no general rule for banner type or placement, simply use AdSense channels to mark different ads and display them randomly.
  • After some time you will see which combination works best. The first optimization is blending ads with the content. You should make ads to look like the content (text) on the page. Use the same background color and do not use any borders.
  • For text color use color which is already used for links on the page. This way the ads will not stand out and the chances that some visitors will click on them will increase.  However, you should never make the ads to appear as part of the content.
  • There should be a clear distinction between ads and text on your page. The next optimization is AdSense type and size/format. 
  • In most cases text ads work better. But this does not mean that you should never use image ads.
  •  If you have more then one AdSense ad on the page then it makes sense to try with image ads. In any case you should do some testing to find the best combination. 
  • Top 10 AdSense Friendly Blogger Templates For Free: Ad format is also important. Try to avoid 468x60 image ads because they really look like ads. Responsive ads at the top of the article works fine in most cases.