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good lover seduction gambitTo get women in bed fast, adopt a lover's frame. This gambit accomplishes that with sexual prizing and by displaying your deep understanding of women.


I. From Theory to Outer Game

II. The Good Lover Gambit

  • Mechanisms at Play
  • Potential Follow-Up
  • III. Recap

    Hey guys, and welcome back.

    Last week, we discussed the lover's frame, what it was, and how it is created. The lover's frame is different from the provider frame, which involves impressing women with mostly economic resources. Sometimes it gets men laid as a reward for providing for women, but usually, all they may get is a bit of female affection, similar to the friendzone. In best-case scenarios, these men will VERY occasionally get lucky, get laid accidentally, or end up in a relationship, often with a subprime girl, or sometimes with the girl of their dreams.

    Back in the day, those relationships likely resulted in marriage, and because of sociocultural factors, those marriages would remain stable. But with today's sexual liberation, this is not the case. Being a provider today is much less likely to be a fruitful mating strategy.

    All you do as a provider is pay and provide for little, if anything, in return.

    You have a choice: to get political and try to change society, or play the game and calibrate according to the current rules. The latter is the strategy I favor, and sadly, many men hate me for it.

    The lover frame allows you to:

  • Get laid like a rockstar if that's what you want, and enjoy a deeper form of erotic connection with a woman who will respect you as a man, not as a result of your wealth

  • Have better sex, and more quickly

  • Experience less frustration in the seduction process

  • Move from banging like a rockstar to building a relationship with the right girl; you'll have a relationship that builds upon a sexual connection (and from there, a REAL emotional connection)

  • So, a win-win more or less.

    There are two main effects of a strong lover frame:

  • You generate desire as a man who can create strong emotional connections. Any gambits that display sexual prizing can work here. Some examples of gambits that accomplish this include the eight types of orgasm gambit, the orgasm control gambit, the tantra gambit, and the therapist gambit.)

  • You make her feel allowed to act upon her desires. You want to be a man she can allow herself to be sexual with, both socially, but also emotionally (she feels you are the right guy, and you don't judge her). Low-keyness also helps. Notable gambits here are any that communicate sexual liberalism: the period paradox, the mirror, to name a couple.

  • Now, what if we can use this knowledge of the lover frame as a gambit itself? This is where it gets interesting.