Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas pdf download Trading in the Zone is a masterpiece by Mark Douglas. The book focuses on a Forex trader's emotional aspect. As per Mark, feelings such ... 7:34:00 AM Trading in the Zone is a masterpiece by Mark Douglas. The book focuses on a Forex trader's emotional aspect. As per Mark, feelings such as fear and greed are prevalent among traders and overcoming them is the very first step. The book helps the traders by providing the techniques to avoid these emotional trading pitfalls. Not only this, but the book also describes the required emotional and psychological traits of a successful Forex trader and the methods to develop them. Also, Douglas has introduced a "Thinking Strategy" which presents five elements that are common in most successful and consistent Forex winners. Mark believed that the Forex market moves within the probability dimensions and not on the right or wrong mentality, which most traders think! Therefore, take every decision in thinking odds and evens.Download Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas pdf, click HERE.